Editorial Staff 2022-2023
Faith Guttman – Editor-in-Chief
Faith Guttman is a senior at Bedford High School with a deep passion for creative writing, as she aspires to become an author. She writes poetry, notably her poem, “Tree of Knowledge,” which was published as an honorable mention in the TCK Publishing 2022 Poetry Awards Contest. She also enjoys writing for BHS Unleashed, the school newspaper, playing the piano, watching movies, and spending time with her family and dogs.
Rebecca Mello – Literature Editor
Rebecca is a junior at Bedford High School and joined The Fourth Floor sophomore year after one of her sister’s friends founded it! She has loved creative writing ever since she knew how to spell, creating her first hand-crafted poem book in second grade. Besides writing, she enjoys volleyball, track, basketball, and spending time with friends and family. She is also involved in our school’s newspaper, BHS Unleashed, as well as Care Club and Happy Holiday Club.
Julianne Tsang – Artistic Editor
Julia Hinton – Outreach Officer